BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access has introduced a new per-session multi-factor authentication (MFA) capability to extend identity-based security beyond the initial login step to every request for access to your technology resources. Leveraging MFA to validate...
This article covers DDoS attack activity observed from our Radware Cloud Protection Services during the first six months of 2024. Web DDoS Attack Activity The frequency and intensity of the new generation of HTTPS floods have increased dramatically, and the...
This article by Tyler Reese, Product Director for the Netwrix Identity and Access Management portfolio, explains what IGA is and the benefits it offers. It also clears up some misconceptions about IGA and offers guidance about what to look for when assessing candidate...
Why do document management projects fail? The answer is simple. Document management projects fail because the wrong plan—or worse, no plan at all—is in place. But what might cause a plan to go wrong? And how can you prevent it? How Document Management Plans Go...
How it Happened A defective content update provided by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike caused Microsoft Windows systems to crash, disrupting airline travel, healthcare, government services and many other critical industries and organizations globally. This blog article...
The largest password compilation with nearly ten billion unique passwords was leaked on a popular hacking forum. The Cybernews research team believes the leak poses severe dangers to users prone to reusing passwords. The king is dead. Long live the king. Cybernews...